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This is the front page of your backoffice. It is convenient to treat it as the main page due to the amount of information that can be presented here.

The navigation menu is located on the left side of the backoffice and can be rolled-up if small or mobile screen is in use.

At the top, in the “header” of the page, is a drop-down menu with information regarding an authorized account. Usually this includes their ID, a referral link and their direct sponsor ID, but you can also put any marketing property or profile field there.
If the backoffice is set up in more than one language, a language switch button will be present next to it.

The main screen contains counters and indicators of the account's marketing activity.
It's up to you to decide what information and how it should be presented to a user.

All page elements can be moved and are designed for both large screens and mobile devices.

The image in the center of the page has toggles in both directions. This way any number of images can be added to the same window.
Next to the image box is a rank progression and a marketing metrics, in which you can add any marketing property or profile field.

Just below is a widget with the contents of the main bonus wallet. There could be several of them and each one is customized for a specific wallet.

Underneath the image box are widgets with marketing properties that you want to highlight among the rest. For example, important aspects of marketing activity include “Account Status” and its “Personal Volume”.

At the bottom of the page are charts showing how the specified marketing properties have changed over a certain number of periods. For example, it can be bonuses received for the last 6 months or “Network volume” for the last year.

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  1. Dmitri K

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