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This page provides users with an overview of their financial activities and performance over a specified period. The data sets are completely customizable and can offer the following list of functions with abilities to get tailored to the needs of each customer:

Customizable Widgets:

  1. Wallet Liabilities Chart: Displays the total balance of wallet liabilities over time, helping users monitor trends and fluctuations.

  2. Commission Calculation and Payout Chart: Illustrates the monthly commissions calculated and wallet payouts, providing insights into income flow.

  3. Internal Transfers Summary: Tracks and summarizes internal financial transfers, offering a clear view of internal fund movements.

  4. Online Sales Breakdown: Shows detailed information on online sales, categorized by wallet paid and cash paid transactions.

Additional Customizable Features:

  1. Interactive Data Points: Enable users to click on data points for more detailed information.

  2. Customizable Layouts: Users can adjust the layout and size of the charts.

  3. Real-time Updates: Ensure the data is updated in real-time for the most current information.

These customization options help users tailor the page to their specific needs, making it easier to track and manage their financial information effectively.

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  1. Nikita Clark

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
