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This page provides users with a detailed view of their genealogy and network performance, focusing on individual account metrics. The data sets are completely customizable and for example can offer the following list of functions with abilities to get tailored to the needs of each customer:

Customizable Widgets:

  1. Rank Information:

    • Achieved Rank: Displays the current rank achieved by the user.
    • Qualified Rank: Shows the rank the user is qualified for, even if not achieved.
  2. Volume Metrics:

    • Starter Volume: Initial volume attributed to new starts.
    • Customer Volume: Sales volume from customer purchases.
    • Group Volume: Total volume from the user's group.
    • Personal Volume: Volume from personal sales.
    • Team Volume: Combined volume from the user’s team.
  3. Bonus Information:

    • Fast Start Bonus: Shows bonuses earned from fast starts.
    • Customer Commission: Earnings from customer sales.
    • Unilevel Commission: Commission earned through unilevel structure.
    • Elite Rank Bonus: Bonuses for achieving elite ranks.
  4. Network Details:

    • Downline: Number of members in the user’s downline.
    • Frontline: Number of members directly sponsored by the user.
    • Activity Periods: Periods of user activity.
    • Personal Item Count: Number of items personally sold.
    • Total Item Count: Total number of items sold by the user’s network.
    • Level 1 Active Count: Active members in the first level of the network.
    • Total Purchases: Total purchases made by the user.
    • Auto Ship: Status of auto-ship enrollment.
  5. Status Information:

    • Account Status: Current status of the user’s account (e.g., Affiliate).
    • Non-dropping Rank: Indicates if the rank is maintained.
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  1. Nikita Clark

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